Sunday, August 07, 2005

I've been thinking about the friend who was in town this weekend. See, he is actually my ex boyfriend whom I once cared for deeply. We have had a bumpy road lately. He has gone off to law school and well....what have I done??? Not as much as I should. I feel I've let him down, not lived up to his expectations of me. I screwed up a long time ago and lost him. Ever since, I've tried to find some way to get him back. This weekend he told me I still excite him. Wow! I am scared to tell him how I really feel. I'm afraid he will not respond the way I hope. I don't want to scare him off.
I can't wait to meet Beth Karas on Tuesday. It will be so cool. I can take a camera with me too.
Well I'm off to get some dinner. Later taters!
Blessed be

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