Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Today's notes

After careful consideration, our group and others have decided to donate what has been monitarily collected to the Habitat for Humanity instead of the Red Cross. This was agonized over for quite some time. Many blankets have been made by hand and sent to those in need in Texas. Many baby clothes, older childrens' clothes, dry goods and sanitary supplies have been shipped as well. Homes to rent, utilities, food and employment have been given as well. I am so proud of our effort for the displaced from Hurricane Katrina. I want to thank all of those who have taken the time to aid those in dire straits. Though these people will need assistance for quite some time, I know our effort is greatly appreciated. I know I can lay my head down at night, thankful for what I have and blessed for what I have done for those in need from this situation. I don't need to know their name, I don't care what color their skin is, I don't need to know their social status, all I need to know is that I have helped to lessen the burden they are carrying upon their shoulders.
Tonight, I have found that there are some who feel that only prayer is needed for these people. Yes prayer is good but that doens't feed the children who can't sleep at night because of nightmares, whose tummies are aching for lack of food, who are missing their moms and dads and even their pets.
We shouldn't point a finger in blame at anyone but those who sit and do nothing to help. Shame on those who have made this a political backdrop. We are Americans, let's start showing what that reallly means.
I also found out that some people think they know all of what happened in the Gulf region just by judging what they heard in passing. I have researched information and listened to first hand accounts, so I am pleading for these people not to assume all is coming up roses.
If anyone ever needs to know more of my opinions on this, please feel free to contact me.
Blessed be!

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