Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The official thank you

"Habitat for Humanity thanks you for sharing your heart! Your donation will directly support our mission to build simple, decent shelter for families that are currently living without it. You've also helped to build a sense of brotherhood and faith within families and communities in the United States and around the world. Thank you again for your contribution and we hope that you will encourage others to join in the Habitat mission!"
This is what I received in the email when I made our donation to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
Blessed be!


Gina E. said...

Hi Sunny,
Just popped across The Pond to thank you for posting a comment on Patra's Other Place. It is looking very grim over there, even though so many people and animals have been rescued. I cannot begin to imagine how that environmental disaster area will ever be cleaned up. Our thoughts are with you.

Sunny Wright said...

Thank you Gina. Many of the evacuees are being sent to my home town today and tomorrow. I feel so bad for these people. I just hope there won't be a major health issue.