Thursday, September 15, 2005

No trolls allowed!

I had to close the board because of no time and lack of membership, so I went to a friends group instead.
I have started a group on Yahoo! that deals with only Yankee oriented subjects.
I am looking for new members who are true fans like myself.
I just got this group off the ground and I am looking for articles, statistics, photos, links, and comments.
I started this for two reasons.
One is that I was tired of all the backstabbing, manipulating, humiliating, and general troll-like activity on the Yahoo Yankee board.
Second, is that I already own other boards and I wanted to do something fun.
Click on the link and join, if you're a TRUE fan.
No trolls allowed!
Have a great day and GO YANKEES!

1 comment:

Sunny Wright said...

The group is closed, no time and not enough members.