Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hello folks

Today sure has been interesting, for lack of a better word. Took Baby to her eye appointment and she did so good, she always is so good for the doctors. Sister, on the other hand, was such a grouch. She didn't want to help with Baby too much. I wanted to hang her up by her toenails.
I've been thinking about this e-journal thing and I've decided that I will express my feelings and to hell if it bothers someone. We all have the right to express ourselves. I promise I won't try to offend anyone too much.
I was talking with a friend this evening about a mutual acquaintance. She has been having problems with her boyfriend. Well, as most of you know, I honestly could care less what a man thinks, as long as he is responsible and takes care of his own. Anyway, this mutual friend says she has been verbally chastised by this guy. Just because she has gained a little weight and asks him to take her places. That just pisses me off. Please don't sit there and complain about the guy, do something about it. You are your own self, girl, do right by yourself. We women did not fight for years to still be treated like we were trash or even worse, a sex toy. Step up, girl, you are too smart for him. You have a great job, you are successful at it. You have your own place, make that work for you. If you have to move in order to do things, then by God, do so. Believe you me, I have been in this type of predicament before. I was one of the lucky ones who had someone on my side, helping me. If you need that, girl, then you know how to reach me. Just because you are visually impaired, doens't mean you have to settle. You have to have spiritual courage.
Now, on to the next rambling!
My God, when will the Aruban government get their act together and work this Natalee Holloway case right. So now there is mysteriously one new witness who says he saw van der Sloot and friends in a car that he sideswiped and two others who claim they saw the Kalpoe brothers' car in their neighbourhood. Come on! How is it that all the sudden they pop up. Are they looking for the reward. The reward is now at $1 million for her safe return. $100 thousand for information. Sounds hinky to me. Nancy Grace had a guy on her show tonight who used to be an Atlanta police officer, now a P. I., he has gone to Aruba and gone out on foot and went door to door and asked questions of the people. Why haven't the police there done this? Hmmmm.....
My Auntie and Grammie are coming up to visit soon. It's been a while since I've seen them. We will go out for my birthday. I feel old only because my memory is getting real bad. My mum thinks it's just an excuse but she's wrong. She doesn't live in my shoes everyday. I forget to look at my "daily list of things to do".
Well, I can hear Roomy snoring all the way upstairs so I guess it's time to go to bed. I probably won't be able to fall asleep easily again. Oh well, you can sleep when you're dead, right?
Oh yeah, I'm still considering taking a trip to New York next month, that should be loads of fun. My lucky mum gets to go to Ireland in September. I wanna go! I'm thinking about fostering my friend in Brazil's son as an exchange student. That should be excellent!
I think I'm done now. Catch ya on da other side.

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