Saturday, February 17, 2007


Your Higher Power is your greatest teacher. It willlead you into situations that, once faced, will bring you out theother side a far better person.
In any learning situation there is initially a bit offear. Think back on your life and you will see that the situations from which you gained the most always involved a bit of fear at the onset, from starting a personal relationship to flying in an airplane. Even recovery from addiction involves a great deal of fear in the beginning. But did not all of these result in a gift of some kind?
I believe fear to be a negative response to a positive situation. It is a sign that your Higher Power is about to bestow a gift. Your Higher Power ALWAYS gives gifts wrapped up in a problem. If one can learn to see truly in this way, fear will be seen for what it really is: the beginnings of a learning situation.
We must all learn to 'feel the fear and do it anyway'. If we are to learn anything new, we must leave the familiar path and strike out upon a new one . . .
And yes, we will still be here. But think how much we will have gained thereby.

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