Thursday, September 14, 2006


Okay folks, here's what's going on so far. In case you didn't know, Nancy is getting a lot of flack for her interview with Melinda Duckett on Friday's show. Scarborough Country and Tucker Carlson are the first MSNBC guilty parties. Here are two very rough transcripts of their shows today.

Scarborough Country
"have their act together, right? >> My take on this is that this was an interrogation. This was a ratings interrogation. This is not the type of interview you do, whether she intentionally sandbag this woman are not. As an investigator, i would know that this woman was fragile. I would know that if she had anything to have done with her child' s disappearance or death that she could be suicidal. That there may be passed suicidal ideation and her life. I would have been very careful the way i handled hurt in an interview and not sandbagged her and pounded my fist and screamed and demanded answers on television. Nancy grace is not an investigator. She is not an interrogator. That is the job of police. I think nancy inserted herself in an active investigation with the witness at best. >> Because of that, we may not know what happened if she was a criminal, if she was responsible. Who knows? How are we ever going to find out? I want to show another clip of the show before going to rob. >> Have you taken a polygraph? >> Like i said, at anything i do is in cooperation with them. I' m doing everything they want me to do but as far as details i am leaving everything up to them. >> Have you taken a polygraph? >> I' ve done everything they asked me to. >> To you think she went over the line? -- Do you think she went over the line? >> She has a definite style that works for many people. She is a crime victim and a crimes advocate. If people go on her show is because she really helps people discover what happens in various crimes. The producers of the show are tremendously nurturing. I cannot imagine the not going over some of the questions including nazis style with melinda prying to it -- prior to her being on the air. You have to remember if this woman did kill her son, people who suffer or are guilty of -- who actually kill their children very often suffer from severe mental illness and are under tremendous stress. >> We do not know that. It is not her job to figure out whether she did it or not? >> That is not her job and how dare nancy grace say in the judge, in the jury, and the executioner. >> That is not what ships sheet -- that is not what she does. Then what you said that these are terrific dinner drink producers. They may be. Let me ask you this. If this woman really was so ill- prepared and that said the dead and fragile, you are telling me that at decrease cost producers ought to of said she does not belong on national television. You think that is what they would have said? I worked very closely with the >> I do. producers and very often tell nancy that this person is a strong talker or this person responds well to this type of questioning. >> What did they say about this woman? >> Nancies you was she was advocating for melinda' s son. She wanted to help this woman find out where this little boy was. She felt that the line of questioning would help with the case. She' s advocating for this little boy. >> It may be nurturing that looked like ambush television to me. We' re all professionals and have all been on tv enough to know when there is an ambush interview and when there is not. Let' s listen to what she had to say. She told viewers she did not believe her program was responsible for the suicide. >> I did not feel that our show is to blame for what happened to her. The truth is not always nice or polite or easy to go down. Sometimes it is harsh and it I would like to also point out hurts. that melinda -- melinda committed suicide before that interview ever aired. >> But obviously she committed suicide after the interview -- knowing she was about to be abused on national tv. >> Weight. She did this because she knew -- >> one at a time. >> She knew that the interview had already taken place. Nancy grace still in service herself in this. I watched your show tonight. She spent 45 minutes trying to reach appellate -- rehabilitate herself, trying to tell this redid the public that there was suicidal ideation already there. What all the terrible things she has done. Making this woman, whether she killed her son are not, she is a victim. She was a victim of a challenge in life. It is a terrible thing if her son was kidnapped predicted that. It is a terrible thing she had anything to do with it. She was our best potential witness and that is somebody you handled with kid gloves. You do not have your over that with a phone book. >> We have to go but i will give you the last word. >> Nancy lives her life with dignity. She lives her life with passion and she really believes in what she does and i know that she would never want any harm to come to anybody that is on her show. >> She did not help. >> No doubt about it. >> On this when you' re out voted 3-1. Bank you for being with us. It is a real tragedy. Thank you. We will see later. Still have, rosie o' donnell offends christians with your comments that appear -- compare american christians with islamic fascists. Barbara walters thinks she can talk to the animals. We will show you why the view has been cracked. Is one of the most popular shows Like i said, at anything i do is in cooperation with them. I' m doing everything they want me to do but as far as details i am leaving everything up to them."

Tucker Carlson
"Transcript: As we told you in our "beat the press" segment nancy grace is under fire for questioning a mother of a missing child. Clint van zant is an you on thursday. What did nancy grace do wrong? Well, we have to understand. I am no longer an f.B.I. Agent, and nancy grace is no longer a prosecutor, she is not an investigater, and in the interview that i saw, she stepped over the line because she started to intear gate the mother of this missing child. She lost the ability to understand this could be a witness or a subject in a criminal case. If you are going to question them, that's the job of law enforcement for a very careful constructed interview. My readings about this young women who has committed suicide, she was very dell qut psychologically and had a number of challenges, and things nancy grace may not known about, but the police would have. They were able to look at the woman's email messages and her myspace.Com blog. But you reach a line where you did not step across and become the prosecutor and you don't become the intear gator. You ask questions, but leave the tough questions up to police. At least recognize that these are human beings, and not props in your own reality television program. They are people who have these dramas and tradge adisease going on in their lives and you should treat them as such. On television, the drama lasts for an hour, and then we click over to another channel. Whatever this 21-year-old had to do with her child missing or dead, we don't know yet. That's law enforcement's job, but we know that was one of the critical people that could have solved this case, when her grandfather says in an interview that nancy grace skept pounding and pounding, i don't blame nancy grace for this women's death, but there is a lesson to be learned, and don't ask questions and don't become the investigater in the case, leave that to the police. And don't be so awful in general. I think that's good advice too. And there is a culture of saw spishen that existed i notice among prosecutors who have television shows, where the husband or the lover you had one, and it's always the parents, and there are cases where the children are hurt and the parents did not do that. Isn't that right? I think so. Whether your name is john wall much or ramsey, you know that you always become an initial suspect. That's simply understood. And this mother would have understood that too. But the questioning that she went under on television, where were you? Why aren't you telling us where you were? Why aren't you taking a pauly graph examination? Those are not questions the media should be asking, and those are questions the police need to answer. This woman was dell qut and fragile psychologically, i believe, and i would have gone with a carefully structured questioning, if she had anything to do with her child's death she would be a potential candidate for suicide. Well, you are not a reckless gas bag when separates you from who we are talking about. Why would this woman go on that show? Well, what she thought the show would be, where she thought she would be able to share information about her missing son, or whether she knew that she would be subject to a blistering interrogation. That's the pitch, you have a missing child and you want to get the word out, and maybe somebody will know what happened to your baby, come on my show, and she comes on and gets sandbagged. Does not sound right? No, we ought to cast ratings aside and the names of shows aside and be more concerned with people. This is a fragile woman that was on the surface about ready to break, and we have a missing child, and now the investigation is further complicated. We don't know what happened to this 2-year-old boy, and now the mother put a shot gun to her head and blew her own brains out because of the stress she felt, according to her grandparents, attributable to the media pressure placed on her."

Now I do hear that Bill O'Reilly and possibly Hannity and Combs will be discussing the same subject tomorrow. We should email CNN and MSNBC in support of Nancy Grace. I am doing my best to try to find more ways to help with support. I have my "feelers" out looking.

UPDATE: Here's what I've been told we can do also, if you send me a private email in support of Nancy Grace at sunnydaze_28@ , I will forward it to a person who will send it to Nancy's private email address.

UPDATE 2: Here are two links to pages from the CNN website that will give you information on how to contact CNN and Headline News;
http://www.cnn. com/feedback/ cnntv/
http://www.cnn. com/feedback/ hdlns/


Care to join in and defend her?
And this horrid site too...

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