Saturday, May 05, 2007

This day in History

This Day in History

Coco Chanel Introduces Chanel No. 5 (1921)
Chanel No. 5 is the first fragrance from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, and the first perfume to heavily rely on synthetic floral aldehydes as a top note. Its name supposedly derives from the fact that multiple perfume samples, labeled No. 1, No. 2, etc., were mixed for Coco's approval, and it was bottle No. 5 that met with her liking. What artist sealed Chanel No. 5's status as a cultural icon when he made 9 silkscreens of the perfume?MORE

Today's Birthday

Soren Kierkegaard (1813)
Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher and theologian who is often recognized as the first existentialist philosopher. The dominant theme of his writings is that "truth is subjectivity." In his aesthetic works, he develops an "existential dialectic" in opposition to the Hegelian dialectic, and in his religious writings, he deals with issues such as the nature of faith and the institution of the Christian church. Why did Kierkegaard publish many of his earlier works under pseudonyms?MORE

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