Saturday, January 27, 2007
My horoscope for Friday the 26th
Feel responsible for someone who's struggling? Let him or her go it alone for now.
When dealing with a stubborn person or situation, you need to gauge what the most effective tactics are before you make your move. You'll get a lot further using charm. Force will just make them dig in their heels.
A certain matter of the heart that might've appeared to be simple reveals its many subtleties, layers and complexities now. Denial's not going to get you anywhere; start delving in so you can deal.
As your life begins to get more entwined with someone else's, you could feel a growing sense of responsibility toward this person. You and your generous, compassionate nature want to reach out and help him or her make necessary adjustments, but that might not be the right idea today. Putting your two cents in right now could come off as intrusive. You need to give this person space to grow.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Please read and sign
Shattered into many pieces.
Do you even understand?
Little shards all over my world.
Look at what you've done!
Do you even realize?
Come clean up the pieces!
Find a way to fix it!
Do you even care?
You have played too long,
With my fragile heart.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
When we were together you made me feel wanted
I'd never felt that before in my life
You made me feel whole like you were the missing link
Then so suddenly you left and I felt alone
For so many years I felt lost in a cruel world
I did so many things to rid my mind of you
I forgave you for leaving but I never forgot you
Then one day many years later we found each other
You made me whole again because you were the missing link
You slowly opened my heart to feelings I hadn't felft before
You made me love you even more than before
My heart belongs to you forever
So why do you hurt me so
I've committed my life to you
What have I done to make you hurt me
Why must you love me then throw me away
All I ask is for you to be by my side forever
No one else in between
You belong with me forever
Please take me forever
Because I am in love with you forever
Most important
Who do you love the most?
Who loves you the most?
Who would sacrifice most anything to be with you?
Who wants to be with you forever?
Who loves you unconditionally?
These are very important questions when you have someone's feelings hanging in the balance. When the person that you claim to love tells you they will love you forever, do you hurt them? I think not. You should want to hold them and comfort them every day. It's okay to make mistakes. Just ask for guidance if you find yourself in trouble. Don't leave that person hanging in the wings of doubt. Don't let that person think whatever you did is their fault. If that person tells you every day that they love you no matter what, this should be the most important thing to you above all else. No one expects you to be perfect, but commitment takes effort. You have to want it. If you don't want the commitment then set the person who loves you free.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
A great recovery message
Property Lines
A helpful tool in our recovery, especially in the behavior we call detachment, is learning to identify who owns what. Then we let each person own and possess his or her rightful property.
If another person has an addiction, a problem, a feeling, or a self-defeating behavior, that is their property, not ours.
If someone is a martyr, immersed in negativity, controlling, or manipulative, that is their issue, not ours.
If someone has acted and experienced a particular consequence, both the behavior and the consequence belong to that person.
People's lies, deceptions, tricks, manipulations, abusive behaviors, inappropriate behaviors, cheating behaviors, and tacky behaviors belong to them, too. Not us.
People's hopes and dreams are their property. Their guilt belong to them too. Their happiness or misery is also theirs. So are their beliefs and messages.
If some people don't like themselves, that is their choice. Their choices are their property, not ours. What people choose to say and do is their business.
What is our property? Our property includes our behaviors, problems, feelings, happiness, misery, choices, and messages; our ability to love, care, and nurture; our thoughts, our denial, our hopes and dreams for ourselves. Whether we allow ourselves to be controlled, manipulated, deceived, or mistreated is our business.
In recovery, we learn an appropriate sense of ownership. If something isn't ours, we don't take it. If we take it, we learn to give it back. Let other people have their property, and learn to own and take good care of what's ours.
Today, I will work at developing a clear sense of what belongs to me, and what doesn't. If it's not mine, I won't keep it. I will deal with myself, my issues, and my responsibilities.
Friday, January 19, 2007
New Charity Site


Saturday, January 13, 2007
10) Life is sexually transmitted.
9) Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
8) If you don't have time to do it right, when will you ever have time to do it over
7) Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks
6) Some people are like a Slinky not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs
5) Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals, dying of nothing
4) All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism
3) Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200 and a substantial tax cut save you only 30 cents?
2) In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world IS weird and people take Prozac to make it normal
We know exactly where one cow with mad cow disease is located, among the millions and millions of cows in America, but we haven't go a clue where thousands of illegal immigrants and terrorists are located. Maybe we should put the Department of Agriculture in charge of immigration and national security!!!
Today's mighty oak is yesterday's little nut that held it's ground....
Monday, January 08, 2007
Money for all: accessible currency
What is Asperger's Syndrome?
Learn more @
Bacharach-Dickinson daughter commits suicide

Bacharach-Dickinson daughter commits suicide
POSTED: 8:43 a.m. EST, January 8, 2007
Story Highlights
• Nikki Bacharach committed suicide Thursday
• Bacharach the daughter of Angie Dickinson, Burt Bacharach
• Bacharach had suffered from Asperger's Disorder
BEVERLY HILLS, California (AP) -- Nikki Bacharach, daughter of Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson, committed suicide, the songwriter and actress said in a statement Friday.
Nikki Bacharach, 40, suffered from Asperger's Disorder, a form of autism. She killed herself Thursday night at her condo, said Linda Dozoretz, a spokeswoman for the family.
"She quietly and peacefully committed suicide to escape the ravages to her brain brought on by Asperger's," the statement said.
Nikki Bacharach died of suffocation using a plastic bag and helium, said Mike Feiler of the Ventura County coroner's office.
Born prematurely in 1966, Lea Nikki Bacharach studied geology at Cal Lutheran University, but could not pursue a career in the field because of poor eyesight.
"She loved kitties, and earthquakes, glacial calving, meteor showers, science, blue skies and sunsets, and Tahiti," the statement said.
Nikki Bacharach was the only child of Burt Bacharach, 77, and Dickinson, 75, who were married from 1965 to 1981.
It was the second marriage for both Bacharach, the Oscar-winning composer of "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head," and "What the World Needs Now is Love," and Dickinson, star of the film "Dressed to Kill" and the TV show "Police Woman."
Bacharach has three children from other marriages.
Mystery smell settles over Manhattan

POSTED: 12:22 p.m. EST, January 8, 2007
Story Highlights
• Mayor Michael Bloomberg calls the odor "unpleasant" but harmless
• Some buildings are evacuated; PATH commuter train line temporarily suspended
NEW YORK (CNN) -- New York officials evacuated a number of buildings and shut down some trains after a mysterious gaslike odor was reported Monday.
A New York Police Department spokesman said an air quality test determined that the air is not hazardous, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said there is no indication terrorism was involved.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the smell "unpleasant" but said it posed no harm.
"One thing we are very confident of, it's not dangerous," Bloomberg said. "How long and what the sources are, we just don't know."
The pervasive odor was reported throughout Manhattan and as far away as Newark, New Jersey, 10 miles west of the Big Apple. In New York, the smell was reported from Midtown to Battery Park City.
Authorities are investigating the source of the smell. Several buildings were evacuated, and the PATH commuter trains along the Sixth Avenue line were temporarily suspended. The odor had no effect on subway service in the city.
New York police initially said no gas leak was reported, but a spokesman for Mayor Jerramiah Healy in Jersey City, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River, said the odor was emanating from a leak near Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
Bloomberg later confirmed a "small gas leak" near Sixth Avenue and Bleecker Street but said the smell appears to be a natural gas additive. Natural gas has no smell, so an additive, mercaptan, is included to give it a detectable smell in the event of a leak.
However, Bloomberg said that he didn't believe the Manhattan gas leak could account for the smell being reported in New Jersey.
"We're all working together to pinpoint the nature of the leak," he said. "So far, the city's air sensors do not report any elevated level of gas."
The mayor said that "these things are normal, happen all the time."
The police said utility provider Consolidated Edison told officials there's been no drop in gas pressure in the city.
No injuries have been reported, according to the Office of Emergency Management.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Points of interest
These are some points of my interest that were pings on the visitor map.
Columbus, Ohio,_Ohio
Leesburg, Florida,_Florida
Seminole, Florida,_Florida
Portland, Oregon,_Oregon
Houston, Texas,_Texas
More at a later date...
Friday, January 05, 2007
HOORAY! WE WON!!!.....well sort of...
"Hello Columbus Fans -
THANK YOU! Because of your support and loyalty, we’ve found a new radio home in Columbus.
Starting on Monday morning, January 8th, tune in to 103.9 FM to hear the Glenn Beck Program from 10am-1pm every weekday!
PLEASE show your support for our new affiliate by tuning in on Monday, and telling all your friends to do the same.Thank you for signing up for the email newsletter to stay in touch with us. We really appreciate our Columbus fans and everything you have done to support us.
More details to follow.
I'm so excited, even though it's not live but it's the next best thing. Thanks for the GlennSupport Columbus!
We have the right...

Beck attempts to save his slot on 610 WTVN
Meanwhile, Air Americans fight back
January 4, 2007
The management at 610 WTVN probably made Mike Coleman happy when it decided to dump Glenn Beck’s syndicated show from its morning lineup.
But unlike Mayor Coleman, who famously defended his manhood in an on-air dust-up with Beck in 2005, most Columbus listeners don’t have a disagreeable personal history with Beck. And some of them—like Beck himself—feel grievously wronged by his pending disappearance from 610’s airwaves.
On Tuesday morning, the dispute spilled onto the national airwaves, no doubt boring the life out of listeners to Beck’s 233 other affiliates, and onto, where the usual home page was replaced by a stark screen with this message:
“Welcome Fans from Columbus, OH. As you may have heard, the Glenn Beck Program will be removed from 610 WTVN AM. Since 2004, the Glenn Beck Program has ranked amongst the top three shows in our time period in Columbus.”
In an affiliated website, Beck fans spent the early part of the week planning a protest that, as of Wednesday, was scheduled for late Saturday afternoon on the Short North Cap.
“The Gallery Hop will be going on that night,” wrote a poster named glennbecky, “so we can be right there in the middle of it.”
The odd intermingling of art browsers and conservative radio fans will apparently include missing_glenn, who wrote, “Planning to be there—have a ton of things on my ‘to do list’, but none more important than keeping Glenn on the line.”
Though Beck won’t be replaced by local host Joel Riley until next week, Beck fans accused 610 of a suspicious programming decision Tuesday, when live coverage of Gerald Ford’s funeral suddenly interrupted the Glenn Beck Program as the host was in the middle of his public complaints about WTVN.
Calls to Beck’s PR representative and to WTVN Program Director Bruce Collins Wednesday were unreturned.
Collins, who’s also the PD for Clear Channel’s 1230 WTPG—soon to lose its liberal lineup and become WYTS—said in an e-mail to a Beck fan that the station wanted to move his morning show over to WYTS.
“Unfortunately,” the Collins e-mail said, “Glenn declined to be a part of our new talk plans.”
Say this for Clear Channel’s Columbus operation: It’s an equal-opportunity annoyer of listeners.
Fans of 1230’s Air America lineup have formed their own website,, aimed at keeping Al Franken and other liberal hosts from being replaced by the likes of Laura Ingraham and Jim Rome.
They’re probably inspired by fellow prog-talk fans in Madison, Wis. A Clear Channel station in that famously liberal enclave was supposed to dump Air America this month, but a campaign by fans saved the old format.
Ohio Majority Radio implores Columbus Frankenphiles to write not just their own U.S. senators but other people’s. It directs supporters to write Sen. Hillary Clinton and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “And Ask Them To Help Save Progressive Radio In Central Ohio.”
So if you read in coming weeks that Clinton is missing a lot of votes and Reid is shirking his leadership duties, you can safely assume it’s because they’re on the phone hollering at Bruce Collins.
On fire in Central Ohio
Friday, January 05, 2007
Tim Feran
They’re coming from the left and the right. And they’re taking aim at Clear Channel Radio over planned changes for two of its central Ohio stations. Liberals are upset that the media company on Monday will drop leftleaning Air America programming on WYTS (1230 AM), formerly known as WTPG. Conservatives are annoyed that on Saturday it will replace right-leaning talk-show host Glenn Beck on WTVN (610 AM). Both groups plan rallies in support of their causes. Air America fans have also gathered more than 1,000 names on petitions to keep the programming in place. "It would be nice to have an alternative view in this town," said Rosalie Immel of Columbus, who signed a petition. "After all, more than half of us in this county voted Democratic in the last election." Adding to the static are supporters of weatherman Pat Pagano — who are bothered that WTVN is getting rid of the forecaster after 27 years. Listeners of all stripes have showered the company with gripes. "Far and away, the communiques have been in opposition to our changes," said Tom Thon, market manager for Clear Channel Columbus. "It’s really nothing more than human nature and human emotion taking over and not liking change." Protesters are inspired by events in Madison, Wis., where, after a heavy backlash, Clear Channel recently reversed a decision to cut Air America. Still, Thon said, the alterations — based on "cold, hard business facts" — are likely to stick, whatever the outcry. Bon voyage , Air America After two years, as Clear Channel announced in December, it is eliminating a roster of liberal hosts, including Al Franken and Randi Rhodes of Air America, and the syndicated Stephanie Miller and Ed Schultz. Instead, WYTS will air a schedule that includes conservatives Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage as well as sports and consumer shows. "Unfortunately, central Ohio listeners did not respond to the progressive format," Thon said. "It’s been very underperforming in ratings and revenue." The station has languished near the bottom of the Arbitron ratings for years. (Most recently, it tied for 23 rd among 31 stations.) Yet fans hope to influence Clear Channel with the petitions and a rally — followed by a mock funeral procession — from 11 a.m. to noon Monday on Capitol Square. "We want to say: ‘Yes, there is an audience. Let us help you as they did in Madison,’ " said Dave Daulton of Gahanna. "We want to show there is a passion, there are listeners." Bye - bye , Beck. The decision to replace syndicated host Glenn Beck on WTVN with central Ohio talk-show host Joel Riley is likewise drawing the ire of listeners. "Our family is very upset that we are losing Glenn Beck on our morning radio," said one fan, Jean Butler of Gahanna. "We love Joel Riley, but not to replace Glenn." Beck supporters plan to gather at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at N. High and Goodale streets, then march to Nationwide Arena. Clear Channel offered to move Beck to the 9 a.m. slot on WYTS. Beck, however, called the signal too weak. "I’ve had listeners e-mail me," he said, "and say, ‘I can’t even pick up that signal in my car, and I live in the city.’ It’s not good for our clients, for the show; it’s not good for the listeners." Clear Channel wanted WTVN, which Thon describes as "Columbus’ townhall station," to be locally oriented. And it sought to keep Beck on the air, he said. "We very much wanted Glenn to be part of the new 1230 AM," Thon said. "Glenn is a terrific talent. We didn’t drop him; we just wanted to move him. He made the decision." Pagano, meanwhile, has received at least 300 e-mail messages of support, he said. "I’ve been in the business 33 years, and I’ve never seen anything like this," said Pagano, who provides his weather forecasts from New York. "I always knew my listeners in Columbus were the best." Given such a response, Beck and Pagano are pursuing other stations. Pagano is willing to do more, he said: Should the decision be overturned, he’ll consider moving to Ohio.
Main Office: 614-486-6101
Main Fax: 614-487-2559
Jeff Rehl - General Sales Manager
Bruce Collins - Program Director
"Columbus fans I can't tell you how disappointed I am that WTVN is dropping us. We have had trouble with WTVN over the years as the former P.D. was not a fan. Even when we first had numbers higher than Rush, he still wanted to drop us. (I like to say he caught a bit of what Cleveland had). Some people just don't like the show or get it no matter how it does in ratings. We had hoped with the exit of this pd and the show always finishing one or two that things would be different. As you see they are not. The station says that they want to build two strong stations instead of just one and asked to build the second one around us. However, as it was a 1000 watt am station it wasn't the right thing to do for the show, the sponsors or the fans. Unlike many hosts, I will not take just any station in a market to be able to claim we air there. It is only fair to my sponsors that they can trust me when I say we are heard in a market to be on the right station. For us that has always been WTVN. I know how this is going to turn out because we have seen it before. Cleveland is still suffering a 50+% audience loss as are other stations that have tried this. With that being said, I wish WTVN the best and hope that someday we can find the right home in the market and that it once again is WTVN. My greatest disappointment over the years is that we have never been allowed to visit the market for a tour stop. Believe me, when we find a new home .... Columbus will not be just a tour stop. We should make it our winter home. Our fans in Columbus have always been the best. We will get the chance to meet. Until that time arrives we can be heard on line and on XM radio. (without Paul Harvey) Please express your feelings with the station in writing and calls. Tell your friends and your Glennators. Glenn"
Contact 610 WTVN or ClearChannel @
Keep Glenn in Columbus!
Please contact Becky if you can come to the rally. We're trying to keep the show on air here in Columbus. We need a lot of people to make this work. It appears that Stu will be coming. Spread the word.
Here is the final schedule and locations for our Saturday, January 6th Rally:
Time: 4:30 MEET AT THE CONVENTION CENTER AT THE CORNER OF HIGH & GOODALE. The Gallery Hop is right there, so we can go by Cafe Mojo where people start the Gallery Hop. We will be there until 6:15
400 N. High St. Columbus, Oh 43215
Time: 6:15 walk to NATIONWIDE ARENA. (We Go to the entrance on W. Nationwide Blvd. if the truck rally is outside/if I find out it is inside, we will be at the Front St. entrance) I will post more info as I have it.
200 W. Nationwide Blvd
Columbus, Oh. 43215
Don't forget to bring money for parking and a sign.
This location will be wall to wall with people. The Gallery Hop will be going on that night starting at 5. The Monster Truck Show starts at 7:30. Not only can people see our signs, but we can pass out flyers with information for people to contact WTVN. It'll be crazy busy, but it will make it worth our while.
Here's some sign ideas from one of our Insiders/Dave McCoy:
Dumping Glenn Beck Never Solved Anything"
Front: "Talk Radio with Brains" Back: "Demand Glenn Beck"
Front: "Don't do it WTVN!" Back: "Demand Glenn Beck"
"Glenn Beck Rich & Chocolaty"
"Loyal Listeners for GLENN BECK!"
"Another Patriot for Glenn Beck"
"College Students for Glenn Beck"
"Farmers for Glenn Beck"
"Honk for Glenn Beck"
"Save Glenn Beck"
"We Want Glenn Beck"
"We (heart) Glenn Beck"
"Buckeyes for Glenn Beck"
Becky Braunstein
Thursday, January 04, 2007
My laugh for the day
Click the link to view a plain version of the ecard.
Customer service call
"Ridge Hall computer assistance; may I help you?"
"Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect."
"What sort of trouble?"
"Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away."
"Went away?"
"They disappeared."
"Hmm. So what does your screen look like now?"
"It's blank, it won't accept anything when I type."
"Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out?"
"How do I tell?"
"Can you see the C: prompt on the screen?"
"What's a sea-prompt?"
"Never mind, can you move your cursor around the screen?"
"There isn't any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type."
"Does your monitor have a power indicator?"
"What's a monitor?"
"It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV. Does it have a little light that tells you when it's on?"
"I don't know."
"Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the power cord goes into it. Can you see that?"
"Yes, I think so."
"Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged into the wall."
"Yes, it is."
"When you were behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not just one?"
"No ."
"Well, there are. I need you to look back there again and find the other cable."
"Okay, here it is."
"Follow it for me, and tell me if it's plugged securely into the back of your computer."
"I can't reach."
"Uh huh. Well, can you see if it is?"
"Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over?"
"Oh, it's not because I don't have the right angle -- it's because it's dark."
"Yes, the office light is off, and the only light I have is coming in from the window."
"Well, turn on the office light then."
"I can't."
"No? Why not?"
"Because there's a power failure."
"A power... A power failure? Aha, Okay, we've got it licked now. Do you still have the boxes and manuals and packing st uff your computer came in?"
"Well, yes, I keep them in the closet."
"Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it was when you g ot it. Then take it back to the store you bought it from."
"Really? Is it that bad?"
"Yes, I'm afraid it is."
"Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them?"
"Tell them you're too fecking stupid to own a computer."
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
PLEASE SIGN: Put CourtTV back on DISH Network
Please sign to put CourtTV back on DISH Network. So many people actually do watch it and it's better than most programming that's out.