Saturday, July 29, 2006

Found this while surfing the net...

The difference between USA/Iraq and Israel/Hezbollah

1. How it started

Bush lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

Israel was invaded, had soliders killed/kidnapped by Hezbollah

2.Who the enemy is

The US is fighting "insurgents" in iraq. They could be Sunni or Shi'a or Al Qaeda or anyone who wants to blow us up.

Israel is fighting a known terrorist group, Hezbollah. Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks including some against Americans, and civilians.

3. The goals

Bush wants to bring "democracy" and stay until the "job is done" and other vague slogans that don't spell anything out.

Israel wants the release of captured soldiers and Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon.

4. Civilian Deaths

Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died so far and thousands continue to die each month, often through targeted attacks by suicide bombers in public places. Both Sunnis and Shiites have targeted civilians, and Americans have killed them "accidentally" or by a few soldiers going too far.

In Lebanon, Israel has dropped leaflets and warned civilians prior to attacks and so far only a few hundred have been killed by Israeli forces. Hezbollah is firing rockets into civilian areas killing both Israeli's and Arabs (who they call "Martyrs", even the children they've killed)

Israel is fighting against a known and specific enemy who attacked them first and threatens their very right to exist.

America is stuck fighting in the middle of a civil war we helped to start because our leaders lied to us then and are lying to us now.

Blog from

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